Preparing your Home for an Animal in Hospice


If you've come to our blog, you're certainly someone who's given your animal friend a good life. We hear people like you asking questions like, "what more can I do when it's nearing the time to say goodbye?" When you elect for palliative care for your furry family member and keep them at home in the last days of their life, you'll want to be prepared for the duties and tasks of caregiving. Looking after a sick animal requires patience, time, and commitment but we say, "you can do this!" In this article, guest blogger Joan Collins shares some tips that will help you provide a safe and comfortable home environment for your pet.

AHELP Community Member and freelance writer Jane Sandwood is a new contributor to our "Caregiver Tips and Tails blog. Jane also publishes under the pen name, "Jane Collins." Please show us all that you like this article by adding a comment and/or giving this a "LIKE" or by sharing on Facebook.

Photo: Comfy, dreamy Maple. Courtesy AHELP Project

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A Caregiver's Tale: FIV Lessons Learned from Russ

Suz, AHELP Project community member and volunteer, tells of her journey adopting a feral cat with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Suz sought answers to the questions she had about the disease, and learned of choices she had in planning for his continued well-being. Read about how she became empowered with this information, and how she grew as a result of her experience.

What has your experience been with caring for a cat with FIV? 


Russ: happy, healthy, at home. (photo: Suz)

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Care for the Caregiver (you!)

How will I get over the loss of my best friend? We in AHELP have come to know that you don’t get OVER a loss; you get THROUGH your loss…

We commonly hear, "what can I do to feel better?" In this post we offer a few practical tips that can be "a Help" to you and your family during the hospice period and after their passing.



A ceremony at your companion's favorite spot can be a valuable in helping you get closure after their passing. Michelle Nichols and her daughter Zoe sprinkle Sora's cremains at the beach she had loved. (Photo: Chris Nichols)

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Holiday Blessings

Joys and Sorrows...and Sweet Memories

AHELP co-founder, Spiritual Counselor and Memorial Celebrant Diane Dyer shares her thoughts on the feelings that can come very naturally with the holiday season. Diane will be leading the "Moment of Remembrance" at our holiday party, the White Whiskers Soiree on December 13, 2014.



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Adopt a homeless friend this holiday season....

Sonnet for the Shelter Beast

by Elizabeth Allen, Author. Poet. Animal Lover. 

In this season of thankfulness, our AHELP animal loving community hopes that you will open your heart and welcome a homeless or relinquished animal family member into your home. As we close November, “Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month”, please consider a tried-and-true companion through some of our favorites: Old Dog Haven, Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, Save our Seniors, Purrfect Pals and Homeward Pet.

Many thanks to published author and AHELPer Elizabeth Allen who wrote this beautiful prose on the plight of homeless animals across their lifespans.


Elizabeth Allen's book Manifesting Mongrel is the captivating story of hospice care for her rescued Chihuahua Juno, pictured here, together in the year before his passing. (Credit: Elizabeth Allen)

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