Time to Plan: the “UP-side to Anticipatory Grief” - Part I
Michelle Nichols, MS
AHELP Project Director and Co-founder
Most of us don’t wish to think about the approaching death of our pet. How many of us have tried to conveniently forget that it won’t happen (denial) or that NOT thinking about their declining health will make the reality go away (avoidance)?
Elaine Lam and Mone Mone enjoy quiet time together. (photo: Elaine Lam)
Read moreSadness comes along before the loss - Anticipatory Grief
Kristina Callender, LICSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker and AHELPer since 2011
"Why does it feel like grief when my animal companion is living with illness or advanced age?"
Jeannie Black and her "Lucky" share a tender moment in his last months of hospice care. (Photo: Jeannie Black Photography)
Read moreWhat Is Animal Hospice and Palliative Care? – Part III
By Michelle Nichols, M.S.
AHELP Project Director and Co-founder
Hospice philosophy puts great emphasis upon “Care for the Caregiver” (you!)
Supportive friends can boost both yours and your friend's moods when you are feeling down. Add a mental health professional to your Care Team for emotional guidance. (Photo: Michelle Nichols)
Read moreWhat Is Animal Hospice and Palliative Care? – Part II
“Supporting my animal friend through a hospice approach to care sounds right to me. What next?”
Being supported by trusted veterinarians and other professionals is important to success in the hospice care you seek for your animal friend. (Photo: Carol Soukup)
Read moreWhat Is Animal Hospice and Palliative Care? – Part I
“Why animal hospice? My beloved animal friend is not ready to die yet.”
[Andy and his friend, "Armin", share a tender moment during hospice care. Credit: Michelle Nichols]
Consider what hospice and palliative care is about. If you’re like us, you’ll begin to ask, “Why NOT animal hospice and palliative care?”