"Help for Animal Hospice Caregivers" Donate Now!

$5,983.00 raised
GOAL: $6,000.00
Your generous donation enables AHELP Project to support those who need our help the most. Every dollar goes directly into our mission, supporting animal caregivers and their families while their beloved animals are ill and will make life’s last transition. 
NEW projects we're rolling out in 2019-2020:

More families will receive individualized animal hospice services through "HELP for Animal Hospice Caregivers Fund" that was seeded by our successful "Season for Caring" campaign in December-January every year.

Outreach to veterinary clinics will bring animal hospice education and support to practices in the Greater Seattle and Eastside region animal hospice. The work of our four-person Outreach Team will ultimately enable us to reach more families with AHELP Caregiver Support. 

Other 2019-2020 goals that we will continue: 

  • We will serve more families with our Comprehensive Care Home Visits, phone consults, and referrals from our Professional Network. 
  • We will offer our monthly Support Circle, and present regularly scheduled educational sessions on end-of-life caregiving. We will continue to produce our popular Creative Healing Circles to engage head, heart, and hands while remembering an animal friend. 
  • We will restart our "Caregivers Tips and Tails" blog. We will partner with guest bloggers to bring useful information and on end-of-life caregiving. In response to public request and with permissions, we'll also tell adapted "Tails" based on our experience through our Animal Caregiver Support Program. 
  • Collaborate with writers to refine our "Quality of Life in your Senior and Ill Animal Friend," our step-by-step guide
  • Promote our Professional Network Members, trusted providers whose services contribute to comfort in illness and the end of life.


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Thank you friends, families & AHELP Community!
AHELP Project has been supporting animal companions and their families since 2010.
- Michelle Nichols, MS Executive Director & Co-founder

AHELP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a donation receipt will be emailed to you. Thank you for your support!