Grief Recovery Support for Animal Hospice and Bereavement

Certified Grief Recovery Specialist Michelle Nichols facilitates this action-based workshop as: 1) a group , 2) through individual in-person meetings in Seattle and the Eastside, or else 3) through video conferencing (nationwide!)

If you're like most of us, you find that navigating grief during your pet's illness, end-of-life period, and the bereavement that comes after it is complicated. You've been seeking a more effective way to move ahead following the passing of your beloved companion animal and we were looking for just that for our AHELP Community. We found it in the Grief Recovery Method...

WHY choose the Grief Recovery Method?

  • With the wide range of joys and challenges that come with animal hospice, many don't understand what you're going through with your beloved pet, or why.
  • You've had many losses over your lifetime of loving and living with your companion animals. With so many of them sometimes so close together, you hardly have time to recover.
  • In your grief journey before, during and after a loss, you reach out for support to people who once were trusted just to find they don't have the capacity to help.
  • You feel you aren't "getting over it." You're just getting through it...

This is NORMAL.

WHAT is the Grief Recovery Method?

  • Certified Grief Recovery Specialist Michelle Nichols facilitates this action-based workshop as: 1) a group , 2) through individual in-person meetings in Seattle and the Eastside, or else 3) through video conferencing (nationwide!)
  • Each format involves reading and writing assignments in The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss, included in the Workshop fee.
  • A better understanding is empowering. Each week, Michelle will help you see why you're feeling as you are. 
  • It's comforting to share with someone who "gets it." Each week you will learn how to perform the exercises through real-world examples and then you will review them the next with Michelle directly or a fellow member of your workshop.
  • You will walk away with tools and action steps that will allow you to process each and every loss you've had in the past and will experience in the future. 

You will be with others who understand what you're going through.


Learn more:

Michelle Nichols, MS, CGRS, has had 10 years of experience as an Animal Hospice Care Manager since AHELP Project was founded and has helped hundreds of families navigate the animal hospice and palliative care journey. Prior to that, she'd been a human healthcare grief counselor and began to learn first-hand about animal comfort and end-of-life care through five of her own dogs and cats. She leads the worldwide community as the President of the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care. Learn more about Michelle by clicking HERE

Use the RSVP button below to find out more!

Michelle will call you with pricing, dates for the next group, and details on individual sessions. You can contact Michelle HERE.

As animal lovers we experience many losses in our lifetimes, putting us continually in a position of emotional vulnerability. The Grief Recovery Support for Animal Hospice and Bereavement will help you discover how to heal following the loss of your beloved pets. You will be set free to unlock incredible growth potential and open your heart to love and live with them once again. 

March 01, 2021 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Michelle Nichols · · 425 223 5722

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